Day 40

Day 40 Through The Bible

February 09, 20253 min read

Day 40: Following God’s Lead

Biblical Principle: Absolute Truth from God’s Word
God can and will direct His people regardless of the circumstances. Whether in the brightness of day or the stillness of night, His presence goes before us, guiding our every step. Yet, it is crucial to note where He is: in front.

The Israelites experienced this firsthand during their journey out of Egypt. Exodus 13:21-22 says, “And the LORD went before them by day in a pillar of a cloud, to lead them the way; and by night in a pillar of fire, to give them light; to go by day and night: He took not away the pillar of the cloud by day, nor the pillar of fire by night, from before the people.”

The imagery of God as a guiding pillar is rich with meaning. Whether illuminating the way in the dark or shielding us from the scorching trials of the day, God’s presence provides direction and assurance. However, following Him requires surrender and trust—placing Him ahead of our plans, emotions, and logic.

Practical Application: Trusting God to Lead

The call to trust God entirely is echoed in Proverbs 3:5-6:
“Trust in the LORD with all thine heart; lean not unto thine own understanding. In all thy ways acknowledge him, and he shall direct thy paths.”

This passage challenges us to reject reliance on our reasoning or emotions. While our hearts and understanding may seem logical, they often lean toward worldly thinking—pulling us back to our personal “Egypt,” a place of bondage and stagnation.

True freedom and victorious Christian living come when we allow the Lord to lead us. Here are some practical steps to follow God’s guidance:

  1. Surrender Your Understanding
    Let go of the need to figure out every step of the journey. God’s ways are higher than ours, and trusting Him means embracing the unknown with faith.

  2. Acknowledge Him in All Things
    In both big and small decisions, invite God into the process. Pray for His guidance, search His Word for truth, and seek godly counsel.

  3. Follow His Lead, Not Your Heart
    The world tells us to “follow our hearts,” but Scripture warns us that
    “the heart is deceitful above all things” (Jeremiah 17:9). Instead, allow God’s Word to be the light that directs your path.

  4. Stay Close to His Presence
    Just as the Israelites stayed within sight of the pillar of cloud and fire, we must stay attuned to God through prayer, Scripture, and worship. His presence is our compass.

A Journey to the Promised Land

The journey of faith is not without challenges, but with God leading, it is one of victory. He leads us toward the “promised land” of abundant and victorious living when He is in front. The question is, are we willing to let Him take the lead?

Take heart—whether day or night, God’s presence remains steadfast. His light will never dim, and His guidance will never falter.

Let us surrender our ways and fully trust the One who sees the end from the beginning. God’s promise is sure: He will direct our paths.

Evangelist Dan Woltmann grew up in the home of full time Christian school teachers. Saved at the tender age of 5, Dan surrendered to preach at the age of 14; he preached his first sermon at 16 to his youth group. He was privileged to meet and to learn from many pillars of fundamentalism and outstanding preachers. From these men he developed a strong conviction on the truth of God’s Word. 

Dan’s ministry experience is vast and varied. From starting four Christian service Bible clubs in college, to revitalizing churches and church ministries now for nearly 35 years.  Direct one on one to ministry leaders as well as demostrating Biblical Worldview in the corporate world.

Dan Woltmann

Evangelist Dan Woltmann grew up in the home of full time Christian school teachers. Saved at the tender age of 5, Dan surrendered to preach at the age of 14; he preached his first sermon at 16 to his youth group. He was privileged to meet and to learn from many pillars of fundamentalism and outstanding preachers. From these men he developed a strong conviction on the truth of God’s Word. Dan’s ministry experience is vast and varied. From starting four Christian service Bible clubs in college, to revitalizing churches and church ministries now for nearly 35 years. Direct one on one to ministry leaders as well as demostrating Biblical Worldview in the corporate world.

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