Day 11

Day 11 Through The Bible

January 11, 20252 min read

Day 11: Seeking Absolute Truth from God’s Word

Biblical Principle: The Danger of Self-Driven Unity

Genesis 11:4-6 illustrates a moment in history where humanity’s unified ambition led to rebellion against God. The people said, “Go to, let us build us a city and a tower, whose top may reach unto heaven; and let us make us a name, lest we be scattered abroad upon the face of the whole earth.” Their intent to build a tower that reached heaven was not rooted in glorifying God but in elevating their name. This self-centered unity sought independence from God, a dangerous endeavor that ultimately brought judgment and dispersion.

God’s response in verse 6 highlights the power of unity—for good or evil. When humanity’s collective imagination drifts away from God’s truth, it leads to prideful ambitions and destructive consequences. As believers, we must anchor ourselves in the absolute truth of God’s Word, recognizing that His wisdom far surpasses our own.

Practical Application: Guarding Our Hearts Against Worldliness

1 John 2:15-17 warns us against loving the world and its fleeting desires. The “lust of the flesh, the lust of the eyes, and the pride of life” are not from the Father but from the world. These temptations often captivate our imagination, pulling us away from God’s will. Like the people at Babel, our natural inclination is to pursue what we see, know, and desire. But such pursuits are temporary and ultimately unsatisfying.

Instead, we are called to align our love with God—to move away from self-centered ambitions and toward a life rooted in His eternal truth. The world will pass away, but “he that doeth the will of God abideth for ever” (1 John 2:17). This eternal perspective reshapes our priorities, helping us to focus on glorifying God rather than seeking recognition for ourselves.

Reflection: Why Do I Do What I Do?

The story of Babel challenges us to examine our motives. Are we driven by a desire to make a name for ourselves, to gain recognition, or to achieve what we imagine will bring fulfillment? If so, we follow the same misguided path as those who built the tower.

Please take a look at your daily actions and decisions. Are they influenced by the love of the world or by a genuine desire to honor God? Shifting our focus from ourselves to God requires humility and dependence on His Word. Let us strive to do His will, knowing that only what is done for His glory will endure.


Lord, help me to seek Your absolute truth above all else. Guard my heart against the temptations of the world and the pride that leads me away from You. May my actions and ambitions reflect a desire to glorify Your name, not mine. Teach me to trust in Your eternal promises and to live according to Your will. Amen.

Evangelist Dan Woltmann grew up in the home of full time Christian school teachers. Saved at the tender age of 5, Dan surrendered to preach at the age of 14; he preached his first sermon at 16 to his youth group. He was privileged to meet and to learn from many pillars of fundamentalism and outstanding preachers. From these men he developed a strong conviction on the truth of God’s Word. 

Dan’s ministry experience is vast and varied. From starting four Christian service Bible clubs in college, to revitalizing churches and church ministries now for nearly 35 years.  Direct one on one to ministry leaders as well as demostrating Biblical Worldview in the corporate world.

Dan Woltmann

Evangelist Dan Woltmann grew up in the home of full time Christian school teachers. Saved at the tender age of 5, Dan surrendered to preach at the age of 14; he preached his first sermon at 16 to his youth group. He was privileged to meet and to learn from many pillars of fundamentalism and outstanding preachers. From these men he developed a strong conviction on the truth of God’s Word. Dan’s ministry experience is vast and varied. From starting four Christian service Bible clubs in college, to revitalizing churches and church ministries now for nearly 35 years. Direct one on one to ministry leaders as well as demostrating Biblical Worldview in the corporate world.

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